Mobile Game Development Framework In Educational Field

Mobile Game Development Framework In Educational Field

 August 31, 2020
Clock 5 minutes read
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Playing mobile games is for fun and entertainment. What if we indulge this fun and entertainment into our educational or learning system? As you know, there are many industries that have already adapted interactive learning in medical and healthcare, and aviation.

Learning becomes interesting when students understand the concepts and are able to know how and when to apply their skills and knowledge in a real-life scenario. 

When we play a game, we observe and play in a strategic way (involves a lot of trial and error method). By doing so, we gradually learn how to work with a problem, like the things that have to be considered and things that have to be rejected. While playing the game, we are trained to work with a new system and proceed to the next levels. This learning process is common in all game genres. The number of players playing games has increased when compared to the past and when games are structured to train students in learning, they can improve problem-solving skills and self-learning ability.

Benefits of Interactive Learning-Based Mobile Game Development

Mobile games have become a prominent part of the younger generation and all the basic technological developments like game consoles, mobile phones, laptops, and other digital devices aid in playing. 

Let us take a look at some of the advantages of incorporating mobile game development into the learning process.

Encourages Self-Learning and Self-Motivation

To keep the students attentive and interested in studies is keeping them stress-free and motivated. Without motivation, students don’t strive to learn new concepts and the best way to increase the students is by making learning fun. By introducing games in the field of education can make students feel free from the traditional classroom, to a positive way of approaching new concepts, and motivate them to learn. 

The other factor in this interactive learning is the constant incentive system. The students instantly start to apply what they have learned and show immense progress in their skills and ability. For each progress, the student is motivated with rewards which encourage them to proceed further. This way of learning helps to retain all the concepts in a better way.

Learn Moral Values

We have started focusing on career-based education rather than value-based education. Hence, students are concerned about learning concepts that will fetch them a good job and secure future and fail to relish the moral values that are more helpful throughout their life. 

Students should also learn about perseverance, patience, self-control, and empathy. These qualities are important throughout their lifetime and they can build these qualities just by laying games. Without their knowledge, they inculcate these values within themselves and become better human beings. 

This can be done easily by conducting a multiplayer game where students from different platforms come together in a single platform. When students from different schools meet at an event, it helps them to build a good social and communication rapport. 

Freedom to Choose Learning

When students are given the option to select the concepts they wish to learn, they get involved in what they learn and have a positive approach towards learning. When they have the freedom to choose what they want to learn, the way they look at learning becomes an active role rather than a passive one. 

When students like a subject or a concept, their interest increases and they tend to solve more problems, ask questions, and try to learn more concepts effectively. Because they were given the freedom to choose what they want to learn, thus pushing themselves to work harder and put in lots of effort towards it.

The other boon about online games is that it brings out the best even from an average student. It fosters engagement, development, collaboration, and interaction among the students and promotes social skill development and intelligence.

Grade their Own Ability

In the interactive learning process, students can analyze their skills and figure out what is their potential among the vast crowd. Without a real-time learning process, there is no point in game-based learning. With this process, students can test their skills with anyone over any concept and evaluate their capability and understand where they stand among their peers and improve in areas that need more attention. And it is done in a healthy way. 

Also, another important factor that the education system misses out is a single pattern teaching methodology. Because students with different cognitive levels come into the curriculum. Each student has their own pace in learning. And students who have a hard time understanding the concepts can adapt to this new learning technique that makes it easy for them too to understand the concepts.

Home Learning using Interactive learning 

Game-based education may not be popular in our country, but thanks to Game Development Studios in India for developing interactive learning mobile games. Thus making the learning process at home even more entertaining and interesting. 

Many parents in this generation are interested in home learning and prefer doing on their own. For those people, this game-based learning is of great help as it engages students to invest more time in learning while playing. Though it is expensive, some games that are available on the social platform help students in developing their social skills. 


The educational forum should be careful while developing a game-based learning platform, as the games must be a gateway to attain the knowledge and skills needed for the betterment of our life. Teaching using exciting graphical elements might be fun for junior classes, but a realistic teaching methodology must be implemented for higher grades.

The student should understand the underlying concept behind the game module and that is the ultimate aim of interactive learning. Gaming is just a medium to gain knowledge, skillset, and learn concepts, otherwise, it is not going to motivate the students in any way. 

Developing an interactive learning mobile gaming experience can be a major gamechanger in the education system as this concept is already implemented in many other fields. Let us have fun learning. 


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