Mobile Game Apps Are A Life Changer…..For Good!

With the present technological advancements, we have seen massive changes in our lifestyle within the decade and in the gaming industry is the most trending one.  One of the most skeptical talks about game apps is that it spoils the new generation of kids, that it’s too much to take in, causes social issues, etc. […]

With the present technological advancements, we have seen massive changes in our lifestyle within the decade and in the gaming industry is the most trending one. 

One of the most skeptical talks about game apps is that it spoils the new generation of kids, that it’s too much to take in, causes social issues, etc. all negative pointers. But when we take a closer look at this topic and have a deep analysis, we might come to the conclusion of the positive impact the game apps create among society.

Impact of Game Apps

Here we will be discussing some of the beneficial effects of playing video games and how it impacts a person’s life in a good way. One thing we should have in mind is that the world is filled with both good and bad stuff, it’s our decision to make the right choice. Well, this implies anything, including choosing game apps. 

  • Players Become Open-Minded

We might have come across many news regarding young people being harmed because of mere judgment and prejudice. That is because of the false assumption that is spread among society. One major advantage of playing video games is that it gives the participant an unbiased view of himself and the world he lives in. 

While playing the game, you are the hero of the game irrespective of all norms, and the platform gives up the sole responsibility to take action towards the obstacles that come along the way. While playing the game, you become responsive and broad-minded. You take what you want (rewards) and avoid things that are not needed (obstacles). Well, it is an important lesson we all have to learn to make our life more beautiful.

  • Easy To Spread Messages

Being the largest user base, video games is the best platform to connect people of all age groups. With this platform, we can unite the players and spread mass messages. Games come with different themes and each in its own way attracts different age groups. There are games based on survival, rescue, adventure, education, etc. Each of these themes has something to offer its audience. 

Another interesting factor of video games is the association with stories. Most video games are developed with a storyline, mainly to impress the players from being bored. We can incorporate a good storyline in the gameplay that keeps the players continue playing the game while they indirectly become a part of the game story. However, if developers wish to spread positivity, the storyline will be a positive one. 

  • Encourages Mental Association

If I say your mental and social life becomes a lot more improved and exciting, would you believe me? Well, you’ve got to believe me. Playing video games has helped people connect with others on social platforms. Some people who have a private life find solace in playing video games where they reach out to like-minded souls. 

While others who had a liking for video games started learning about scripting, designing and developing. When you talk to the CEOs, developers, and artists of Top game development companies in India and other countries, they would say the love for playing video games inspired them to develop the games. 

You become a part of the game and try to travel along with the characters of the game. Thereby, you understand the emotions of the game and balance the game to smoothly reach the destination.

  • Gives Different Perspective To View A Situation

Game stories are of different genres and they are partly associated with real life. So when you are trapped in a particular situation, you have different options or perspectives to view that incident and use your skills to improve them. This increases your creative knowledge. 

There are a few games that are designed to improve your cognitive skills, fitness, mindfulness, also your health. 

When you play more games you are put in various different situations where there are different strategies through which you have to plan the game. Same way in real-life scenario when you approach a situation with a different perspective, you will eventually make a conscious decision. 

Tech Community Join Hands For Better Future

Many social innovators and creators join hands together in creating amazing and interactive games that empower players to take the right actions and a positive approach towards life decisions. The developers and technologists work together on the impressive technology and build games that are related to human development, address environmental justice, and social responsibility. 

It is found that playing video games brings out the fundamental elements of technology. Psychology, sociology and engage with the surrounding people to enhance the changes in the society. 

Playing games help the players experience and develop living in a secure environment. In general, it promotes them to develop a realistic framework and work with it, helps in building emotional intelligence, and pursues their goals.

Motivating and Empowering 

Some technology companies, gaming studios, and community groups partner together and conduct goodwill missions to create a positive impact on our society. 

These partnerships have created games that increase the communal resilience that encourages people to stand up for themselves, be optimistic, stay strong, and be motivated. These games are built in such a way that it helps kids and teenagers to fight any kind of situation and achieve their goal. 

In some other games, the player has to fight the enemy all the way while picking up supplies, rescuing the survivors, while defending their home. While it is an exciting runner game, players subconsciously learn to manage multiple tasks and find solutions to problems. 


With the above discussion, I guess you would agree with my view regarding playing games has its boons. Video games have the potential to inspire people to engage in a particular action that might psychologically motivate them towards good deeds. 

Don’t think that it only addresses the kids and teens, but also to all players of different age groups. The players can visualize their potential changes in behavior and productivity in their workspace, family, and social gatherings. 

Learning at any age becomes a seamless process when it is offered through games. 

5G Brings Out the Best of Augmented Reality Game Apps

The next-generation mobile data network is going to be more than the super-fast network connection. Because it is going to provide its users with uninterrupted data connectivity speed, unrestricted capacity, with minimal to low latency. The one technology that is going to hit the mainstream is the augmented reality technology, and 5G is going to […]

The next-generation mobile data network is going to be more than the super-fast network connection. Because it is going to provide its users with uninterrupted data connectivity speed, unrestricted capacity, with minimal to low latency.

The one technology that is going to hit the mainstream is the augmented reality technology, and 5G is going to be the reason behind it. Augmented reality enhances or augments the perception of the real world around us. Though it is already a part of the market, the arrival of 5G is going to makeover a sophisticated and highly integrated AR experience. 

Rise of 5G

For the past few years, people have been saying that the way we interact with the virtual and physical world will change with the advent of 5G. And one thing for sure is that this is going to pave a new in the global gaming market.

We have come a long way in playing video games and it might keep changing even in the years to come. Especially players waiting for the 5G to be the change. We have purchased hard copies, DVDs, etc of video games from the stores, but with 5G network, all these are coming to an end. Just like music streaming, Netflix, and other streaming services we can start streaming games as well. Cool…. Right?

The future of the video gaming market depends on the way players play video games and the interesting experience that it creates. The Game Developers in India are developing game apps based on this concept.

Potential Benefits of 5G

As we know, the promises of a 5G connection are broad coverage with higher download and upload speed, and stable connectivity. This will result in impressive manufacturing and smart technology. It will also take AR, VR technology to the next level. 

Let us discuss the necessity of 5G for the betterment of AR technology

Reliability and Data Connectivity

The augmented reality apps are sensitive to the data connections performance and it might create a negative impact on the user experience. With the popularity of music and video streaming, we are consuming more and more data than ever before. Thus causing congestion in the present spectrum. 

Therefore, when many users from a particular location try to access the mobile data at the same time face breakage in the service. More connectivity demand at the same time cannot be supported by 4G. 

Whereas, 5G is said to handle millions of connections per square kilometer including mobile devices to video cameras to a smart street lights to equipment sensors. For a technology like AR to flourish, this kind of connectivity is required.

Into the Cloud

A report released by Intel stated that the AR games will make up to 90% of the gaming market by 2028, i.e around $36billion globally. This is because of the data intensity of AR technology. In the future, the users will experience an immersive gaming sensation. The Game development Studios in India are concerned about developing AR-based games.

The lack of AR technology to uptake in the mainstream was because of the poor network connectivity. The 5G will take the cloud-connected experience to the next level.


Latency is defined as the delay in the user’s action and web app’s response, also referred to as the total round trip time it takes for the data packet to travel.

According to recent research, 5G is said to decrease latency up to 10 times the present value. Also, it will improve the data rate i.e the time is taken to send the requested data to the user. So if 5G is implemented, a webpage can be loaded within a second. This means there is no latency. 

One factor that makes 5G revolutionary is the low latency and this comes from utilizing short-range frequencies and the advancements in the software and hardware. When it comes to gaming AR games are going to be more interactive and exciting. 

Cutting Edge Technology

Augmenting virtual elements in the physical world requires a wide range of sensors, sharp cameras, powerful processors, and some high-end software. In simple words, the best AR apps require the best components. For the final outcome to be of the best quality the network connectivity should be smooth so that it offers a responsive and immersive augmented reality experience. The slightest pitfall in this could ruin the entire experience.

With modern AR mobile apps, it requires upgraded mobile devices with a strong data connection. But unfortunately, the 4G service that we have now does not have the capability to bear the pressure of shared or connected AR experience. For this reason, we need 5G to transport Augmented reality to the next level.

5G for the NexGen

As discussed earlier, 5G is going to benefit in a larger medium. Thereby modifying the AR apps to a more sophisticated, social, and shared AR experience. It is said that the AR-enhanced live shows are an example of this synergy. 

Apart from this, it will expand the potential for robotic operations using the Heads Up Display (HUD), remote control drone, haptic feedback. With this concept, South Korea’s ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute) announced in 2019 they have developed a concept called the Tactile Internet that enables interaction between machines and humans.  

Game Development in India is also keen on working with several concepts that would transform the future of the gaming industry.


When we take a look at the journey of the gaming industry, it has undergone a massive change and the players are awed by the immersive experience. And most of the advancements are based on graphical, visual elements, smooth gameplay, and powerful processors.

But immersion is more than this, it should target other sensories. Like, players should experience the taste and smell and go beyond the controller feedback and get tactile experience, binaural audio. 

With augmented reality entering the mainstream in industries a new phase of technology is going to rule the world. We can be assured that the combo of Augmented reality technology and 5G can make a huge revolution in the gaming marketplace.